4 thoughts on “In The Spotlight: Barbara Vine’s A Fatal Inversion

  1. I love this book and have read it many times. it’s a great loaner too as it appeals to a wide readership.


    1. It is an excellent book, isn’t it, Lauren? And you have a good point that it has a wide appeal, both for its literary merits and its merits as a crime novel. I think it’s one of her better books!


  2. Sold! I loved A Dark Adapted Eye a few years ago, and as usual haven’t got around to reading anything else. This one sounds good (I’ll close my eyes at the part where the dog dies 😉 )


    1. Oh, I do hope you’ll like it, FictionFan. I really do think it’s got a lot to recommend it. And about the dog…fortunately (if you can say such a thing) it’s a case of a dog coming naturally to the end of its life, so no cruelty or anything. Still, I glossed over that part a bit myself…

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