2 thoughts on “In The Spotlight: Lauren Roche’s Mila and the Bone Man

  1. I wasn’t sur about this one at the beginning – maybe too much grief and tragedy for my tastes, But I was pleased to hear that the overall tone leaves room for hope, and the contrast of traditional healing and science-based medicine is appealing. Hmm, I’ll look out for this one showing up over here at some point hopefully!


    1. I wondered the same thing, FIctionFan, when I started the book. There is grief and tragedy, and no sense sugarcoating that. But there is hope in the story, and Mila develops into a strong young woman. And I thought the exploration of science-based medicine and traditional healing was fascinating. There really is room for both, and Roche makes that point. If it does come your way, and you read it, I hope you’ll enjoy it!

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